Thursday, May 1, 2008

63. Recall the wise saying "mens sana in corpore sano" which means in a sound body rests a
sound mind. Never neglect the body which is intimately connected to the mind. This is
your temple. Feed it the finest fuels, exercise daily and care for it as you would your
prized possession - because it is.

64. Be so strong that nothing interferes with your peace of mind. A well-known boxer was
once unhappy. When asked why, he said that he had allowed himself to think a negative
thought. Curb your desires and stay centered and focused - it gets easier with practice.
You truly cannot afford the luxury of even one negative thought.

65. Do not eat three hours before sleep. This allows for smoother digestion and a more restful
sleep. For deeper, more renewing sleep, remember that a daily dose of exercise promotes
good sleep as does a period of relaxation an hour before bed. Also do not bring work to
bed with you or think about anything which might agitate you. Ease yourself into sleep
like a baby being sung a soft, soothing lullaby. And finally, as Leonardo da Vinci said: "a
well-spent day brings happy sleep."

66. Be careful about your reputation. If it is good it will take you to the highest of heights.
But once tarnished, it will be difficult to retrieve. Always reflect on your course of action.
Never do anything you wouldn't be proud to tell your mother about. Have fun always but
temper it with common sense and prudence.

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